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Premium Canadians

Team Canadians

If you know how to play cricket, then American Premier League needs you. This is your chance to play alongside one of the biggest cricket stars from across the globe, in front of a packed crowd!

Team Owner

Rocky Walia

Mr. Walia’s vast business portfolio includes owning a chain of convenience stores, gas stations and liquor stores across Georgia.
Mr. Walia came to the United States at a very young age and through his hard work, dedication, and unwavering drive to succeed, has been able to build a successful business empire. “Cricket has been the source of my entertainment right from the start of my childhood. Just like billions of cricket fans across the Indian subcontinent, I live, eat, and breathe the fantastic sport of cricket.
As a successful businessman, I am always looking for the next big opportunity and when this idea of American Premier League was presented to me, I was drawn to it right away. The idea of naming the teams based off of the cricket loving communities living in the United States sounded like a brilliant concept to me and sparked a great deal of curiosity. I felt compelled to learn more, which lead me to watch highlights of the historic inaugural American Premier League tournament of 2021 and was amazed what American Premier League was able to achieve, which includes the ‘never been done before’ opening ceremony, to the high-level production, to the beautiful Corvette given to the MVP.
My family and I are thrilled to be part of this exciting and unique business venture and will assure that we put together a very exciting and competitive team for American Premier League Season Two this December in Florida.”

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